Angela Wong
2009-09-11 15:13:34 UTC
I am currently using Plone 3.2.3 and ECLecture 1.2.1. I am having
some issues with the instructor link from ECLecture. Here is the
source code for the table rendered in Plone. I entered in jdoe (a
user in Plone) as an instructor and it came up as Jane Doe. So it is
taking the user name and translating it into the full name but it is
not linking to Jane Doe's profile for some reason:
<a>Jane Doe</a>
For some reason, tal:attributes="href python: mtool.getHomeUrl
(userid)" is not working. Here are the codes that create the table
row above:
<tal:if condition="userid">
<a href="#"
tal:attributes="href python: mtool.getHomeUrl
tal:content="python: mtool.getMemberInfo(userid)
and mtool.getMemberInfo(userid)['fullname']
or userid">
The instructors' fullnames or user IDs
</a><span tal:condition="not: repeat/userid/end"
tal:replace="string:, "/>
Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Any help or advise would
be most appreciated.
Thanks so much,
I am currently using Plone 3.2.3 and ECLecture 1.2.1. I am having
some issues with the instructor link from ECLecture. Here is the
source code for the table rendered in Plone. I entered in jdoe (a
user in Plone) as an instructor and it came up as Jane Doe. So it is
taking the user name and translating it into the full name but it is
not linking to Jane Doe's profile for some reason:
<a>Jane Doe</a>
For some reason, tal:attributes="href python: mtool.getHomeUrl
(userid)" is not working. Here are the codes that create the table
row above:
<tal:if condition="userid">
<a href="#"
tal:attributes="href python: mtool.getHomeUrl
tal:content="python: mtool.getMemberInfo(userid)
and mtool.getMemberInfo(userid)['fullname']
or userid">
The instructors' fullnames or user IDs
</a><span tal:condition="not: repeat/userid/end"
tal:replace="string:, "/>
Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Any help or advise would
be most appreciated.
Thanks so much,