About Development of eduComponents
Katrin Krieger
2010-03-15 10:23:28 UTC
Hi Leonardo!

We are very happy to hear about your interest in the eduComponents.
Thank you very much for your spanish localization. Please send us your
localization files such that we can include it into the eduComponents.
1) How can supply these contribution to the project?
2) Is there any means or process for that?
Please send the files to the eduComponents mailing list
***@uni-magdeburg.de. You have to register to the mailing list first
in order to send mails to it. The registration page is
3) Where is the Source Code Repository?, it is public?
The SVN is available at svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec
It is public in that sense that you can checkout the source code there. For
contributions or patches please send those to the mailing list. The maintainers
will take care for it.
4) Are you planning publish eduComponents products on Collective SVN
Repository [9]? if is yes, i can help you because i have access to
commit on this repository ;)
We don't plan to publish the eduComponents on Plone's collective SVN since we
already have an SVN up and running. But nevertheless thanks for your kind offer.
5) How can create a user count on eduComponents Website?
You don't need to create a user account on the eduComponents website
http://wdok.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/trackers in order to create a ticket. Please use
the "submit new issue" button to create a ticket (in case your browser language
is not set to english, it is possible that you see the german label
"Problemstellung übermitteln").

Best wishes
Katrin Krieger and Mario Amelung
eduComponents team
- --
Katrin Krieger, M.A. Tel. +49 391 67 12510

AG Wissensbasierte Systeme und Dokumentverarbeitung
Fakultät für Informatik
Universität Magdeburg
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
Leonardo Caballero
2010-03-16 19:40:51 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Hi Leonardo!
Hello Katrin
We are very happy to hear about your interest in the eduComponents.
Thank you very much for your spanish localization. Please send us your
localization files such that we can include it into the eduComponents.
Thanks for you answer, the past Friday i showed EduComponents with
Spanish localization and people like it so much :D
1) How can supply these contribution to the project?
2) Is there any means or process for that?
Please send the files to the eduComponents mailing list
in order to send mails to it. The registration page is
I hope I can download the source code from the repository, to send my
contributions to EduComponents because my contributions are based from
the versions published on the website of Plone.org
3) Where is the Source Code Repository?, it is public?
The SVN is available at svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec
It is public in that sense that you can checkout the source code there. For
contributions or patches please send those to the mailing list. The maintainers
will take care for it.
Please can you help me, how is the svn command to download the source
code from this svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec repository

i try with the bellow command

***@canagua:~/Plone/zinstance$ svn co
svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec educomponents/
Password for 'default' GNOME keyring:

I don't know what password enter here... and again tried with
anonymous user and show it this message

***@canagua:~/Plone/zinstance$ svn co --username anonymous
svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec educomponents/
Password for 'default' GNOME keyring:
United authentication: <svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de:3690> ec SVN
Repository (OvG Uni Magdeburg, FIN-IWS)
Password for 'anonymous':

There are some documentation about download the source code?
4) Are you planning publish eduComponents products on Collective SVN
Repository [9]? if is yes, i can help you because i have access to
commit on this repository  ;)
We don't plan to publish the eduComponents on Plone's collective SVN since we
already have an SVN up and running. But nevertheless thanks for your kind offer.
5) How can create a user count on eduComponents Website?
You don't need to create a user account on the eduComponents website
http://wdok.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/trackers in order to create a ticket. Please use
the "submit new issue" button to create a ticket (in case your browser language
is not set to english, it is possible that you see the german label
"Problemstellung übermitteln").
ok i understand my first ticket is about the documentation process on

Best wishes
Katrin Krieger and Mario Amelung
eduComponents team
- --
Katrin Krieger, M.A.                    Tel. +49 391 67 12510
AG Wissensbasierte Systeme und Dokumentverarbeitung
Fakultät für Informatik
Universität Magdeburg
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (SunOS)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

T.S.U. Leonardo Caballero
Linux Counter ID =
Key fingerprint = 9FD2 DC71 38E7 A1D1 57F5 1D29 04DE 43BC 8A27 424A

/me Corriendo Debian Lenny 5.0 y Canaina GNU/Linux 2.0
/me Cree "El Conocimiento Humano le Pertenece al Mundo"
Katrin Krieger
2010-03-17 11:56:58 UTC
Hi Leonardo!
Post by Leonardo Caballero
Thanks for you answer, the past Friday i showed EduComponents with
Spanish localization and people like it so much :D
That is really great to hear! Thank you so much for spreading the word!
Post by Leonardo Caballero
I hope I can download the source code from the repository, to send my
contributions to EduComponents because my contributions are based from
the versions published on the website of Plone.org
I don't think it is a problem for your localization work that you used the
plone.org version, no labels have been changed in the meantime
Post by Leonardo Caballero
Please can you help me, how is the svn command to download the source
code from this svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec repository
i try with the bellow command
svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec educomponents/
I am sorry that SVN checkout didn't work for you. We had a minor problem due to
a version change of the SVN server, which messed up authentication. It is fixed
by now, so that you can check out the source code from the repository. The
command you issued is correct.
Post by Leonardo Caballero
There are some documentation about download the source code?
Not at the moment. Sorry. This is still an open task,
Post by Leonardo Caballero
ok i understand my first ticket is about the documentation process on
Thank you very much for your submission and input!

- --
Katrin Krieger, M.A. Tel. +49 391 67 12510

Knowledge-Based Systems and Document Processing research group
Department of Computer Science
Otto-von-Guericke University
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
Leonardo Caballero
2010-03-17 22:38:01 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Hi Leonardo!
Hello Katrin
Post by Leonardo Caballero
Thanks for you answer, the past Friday i showed EduComponents with
Spanish localization and people like it so much :D
That is really great to hear! Thank you so much for spreading the word!
You are Welcome ;)
Post by Leonardo Caballero
I hope I can download the source code from the repository, to send my
contributions to EduComponents because my contributions are based from
the versions published on the website of Plone.org
I don't think it is a  problem for your localization work that you used the
plone.org version, no labels have been changed in the meantime
Yes you're right but I like working with the development version, so
that after my changes are accepted easily by the development team
Post by Leonardo Caballero
Please can you help me, how is the svn command to download the source
code from this svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec repository
i try with the bellow command
svn://svn.iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ec educomponents/
I am sorry that SVN checkout didn't work for you. We had a minor problem due to
a version change of the SVN server, which messed up authentication. It is fixed
by now, so that you can check out the source code from the repository. The
command you issued is correct.
Thanks, because I could download the source code
Post by Leonardo Caballero
There are some documentation about download the source code?
Not at the moment. Sorry. This is still an open task,
I am working on this task, coming soon i hope send you as initial draft
Post by Leonardo Caballero
ok i understand my first ticket is about the documentation process on
Thank you very much for your submission and input!
I hope so you can resolve this task
- --
Katrin Krieger, M.A.                    Tel. +49 391 67 12510
Knowledge-Based Systems and Document Processing research group
Department of Computer Science
Otto-von-Guericke University
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (SunOS)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

T.S.U. Leonardo Caballero
Linux Counter ID =
Key fingerprint = 9FD2 DC71 38E7 A1D1 57F5 1D29 04DE 43BC 8A27 424A

/me Corriendo Debian Lenny 5.0 y Canaina GNU/Linux 2.0
/me Cree "El Conocimiento Humano le Pertenece al Mundo"