[ANN] ECQuiz at Plone Collective
Mario Amelung
2010-04-23 07:05:59 UTC
The eduComponents team is pleased to announce that ECQuiz is now
available from the Plone Collective


We are looking forward for your contributions and ideas for ECQuiz.

ECQuiz is distributed as an egg and also available from the Python
Package Index (PyPI)


About ECQuiz

ECQuiz is an extension module (a so-called product) for the Plone
content management system. It allows you to create and deliver
multiple-choice tests, containing single-answer questions,
multiple-answer questions, scale questions, and (tutor-graded) extended
text questions. ECQuiz is licensed under the GPL.
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Mario Amelung <***@iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de>
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg WDOK Research Group